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Animal Habitats

African Lion Habitat
African Penguin Point
Andean Condor Habitat
Animal Ambassador Center
Animal Exercise Zone
Bald Eagle Habitat
Birds of the World
Blakely's Barnyard The Barnyard Bonanza is a fast-paced, fun, family-friendly demonstration of barnyard animal behaviors in our Children’s Zoo!
Bongo Habitat
Butterfly Aviary
Cat Canyon
Cheetah Encounter
Cheetah Habitat
Children's Zoo
Discovery Forest
Elephant Trek The Asian Elephants can now be viewed at Elephant Trek.
Flamingo Habitat
Galápagos Tortoise Habitat
Gibbon Island
Giraffe Ridge
Goat Yard
Gorilla World
Hippo Cove
Indoor Elephant House
Jungle Trails
Lemur Lookout
Little Blue Penguin Habitat
Manatee Springs There will be no manatees on habitat today.
Meerkat Habitat
New Habitat in Progress!
Night Hunters
Okapi Habitat
Painted Dog Valley
Passenger Pigeon Memorial
Red Panda Habitat
Reptile House
Rhino Reserve
Roo Valley 9am-5pm
Steller's Sea Eagle Habitat
Swan Lake
Tropical African Animals
Tropical Asian Animals
Visayan Warty Pig Habitat
Wolf Woods
World of the Insect
Zebra Habitat
Closed Seasonally
Elephant Reserve The Asian Elephants can now be viewed at Elephant Trek.